Summer Vibes – Lets Slow Down

As I’m writing this week’s SheThrives blog, the sun has FINALLY made an appearance and it’s a scorching 30 degrees here in Manchester. It’s so lovely to sit in the sunshine and write and makes such a difference to mood, energy and our desire to get outdoors and socialise ☀️ – summer vibes all the way!

I’m not sure how you are feeling at the moment but me, well I can be nothing but honest.  My mood has been a little flat and feeling that a holiday is very much required. Having had the third bout of covid to sweep the household to the oldest child’s GCSE exams, dance competitions, youngest just breaking up from school and coupled with the usual daily grind, it’s been a busy month!

I know when I’m out of steam when I start to procrastinate and become a little more insular than usual with my sleep becoming disturbed. Not wanting to get involved in the usual things that bring me joy and dithering with to- do lists that just get bigger is my usual signs that this girl needs to down tools for a while and recharge.

I sat in my clinic with clients this past week and it was astonishing that this seems to also be the reality for a lot of you – feeling depleted and knowing that the plate spinning is about to get a little trickier with kids breaking up from Summer coupled with social commitments due to this time of year. It can feel like an uphill battle to put self-care into action and ensure that we come out of the other side of Summer feeling energised, happy and relaxed. As I sat there writing clear action plans with clients to get them to see that they are in fact in control, with small easy to manage weekly steps to support them, I questioned myself as to what is my action plan?  What do I truly need to increase my energy frequency and enjoy the Summer raring to go for Autumn?

So, for those of you who might be feeling the same, here is my Reenergise Action Plan that I hope will give you pause for thought and encourage you to do the same.

3 Step Summer Re-energise Action Plan:

1 – Feed that nervous system  – Essential Fatty Acids  

Omega 3 essential fatty acids are my go-to when my brain is tired and my energy depleted. In reality my mind is saying reach for carbohydrate heavy comfort food but that’s just the tiredness talking. What we need is to feed our brain and nervous system through a diet rich in EFA’s. Not only with essential fatty acids feed your frazzled nervous system but they are also anti-inflammatory so has a calming influence on the entire body.

Aim for 3 portions of oily fish per week. Think SMASH – Salmon, Mackerel, Anchovies, Sardines and Herring. Flaxseed and Chia seed pack a hefty punch on Omega 3 so a tablespoon a day for veggies and vegans is another alternative to get these into your diet. Sprinkle on salads, include in your smoothie or sprinkle over your breakfast cereal for ease.

2 – Reduce stimulants

Stimulants such as caffeine, alcohol, sugar and nicotine can disrupt blood sugars. When our blood sugars are disrupted, we can leave us feeling depleted and energy is disrupted. Summertime brings BBQ’s, al fresco dining and social engagements with which tends to be an increase our alcohol consumption – me included! Being mindful of this is key so if I know my alcohol consumption is going to be higher then reducing all other stimulants brings a little balance to the equation. If I do overindulge, drinking plenty of water the next day and ensuring I eat a high protein/low carbohydrate day to the mix helps balance it out. Being mindful of your week and preplanning helps here.

3 – Reduce the load!

Look for areas in which you can re-address the balance and reduce the plate spinning is the number one goal to taking a little pressure off your usual duties and responsibilities. What are the things on your to do list that can be left until September? I did this exercise with a client earlier this week and we were able to reduce her to do list by 50%. Safe to say her shoulders felt lighter as she left the session and the pressure which was making her reach for that glass of wine in the evening was no longer there. When were under pressure, our self-care strategies can unravel, and our health goals can be undermined.  We reach for the comfort food or we de-prioritise the things that we enjoy and that can lead to frustration and overwhelm which in turn leads to unhealthy habits creeping in.

I completed this exercise and reworked my diary to reduce the days I’m working and will be taking a break from social media, reducing my phone usage time and newsletters and blogs until the end of August. Just that alone has made me feel lighter in load and freeing both headspace and physical space to nap in the sunshine, walk in nature or enjoy days out with friends and family. Even writing this, I feel more joyous and energised and the beauty is its all within my control.

If you are feeling a little like me (and a ton of my clients) – I urge you to write down how you want your Summer to look like and how you want to feel. Write a list of your usual routine, duties and schedule for the Summer and think about what is being added from a plate spinning point of view over the next 5 weeks. Go through and think about what can be left until September, what help you may need and reschedule your day to be less of a burden. Carving out time to just be is the aim of the game 😊.

So with all that said, lets enjoy the Summer of 2024 and keep in mind that we are not robots that can do it all and get out there and lets have some fun whilst keeping sane and energised. To help create some brain space and lesson the load, here are my go to easy delicious BBQ recipes to keep you healthy and happy this Summer – enjoy !