My Blog
My Tips To You
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Staying on track with your health goals
I am writing this entry for SheThirves from the comfort of a lovely cottage on the coast of the beautiful Anglesey. Sounds Idyllic doesn’t it and it genuinely has been a lovely long kids free...
Celebrating International Women’s Day with Energy & Vitality
As we move into March, we have the chance to celebrate International Women’s Day on the 8th March which is celebrated globally to celebrate the social, economical, cultural and political...
Choose To Lose Now
There are so many good reasons to want to lose weight. Most people who sign up for my programmes do so because they are simply unhappy with their weight. They would like to feel lighter and...
Go local!
You could be forgiven for thinking that if you want to eat truly healthy foods, you’d have to get produce from faraway shores: Avocado, quinoa, chia seeds, goji berries and chocolate, for example,...
The Sunshine Vitamin
Among all the vitamins we need, there is just one that we can produce in our own bodies: vitamin D. Vitamin D is made in our skin, from a form cholesterol (7-dehydrocholesterol). Sunlight is needed...
Stockpile Antioxidants!
Do you want to bulletproof your immunity? You need to stockpile those natural antioxidants (and not just the packets and tins of pulses!). When you supercharge this “antioxidant potential” you give...
Smart Girls Don’t Diet
Happy New Year to you all! I hope that you have had the most amazing Christmas spending quality time with loved ones. New Year brings new hopes and dreams and like all of you, I have my own...
The Christmas Survival Guide
So it’s that time of year when all your hard work for that LBD (little black dress) has paid off! The healthy eating and exercise regime, started in November, has been hard, but you’re loving the...
Immune Boosting Tips
Autumn is Here ! Feel quiet smug whilst writing this blog as each year I am caught out by how quickly the feeling of Summer disappears and the cold dark nights seem to creep up and hit me with a...
Fun in the sun & BBQs
At this time of year, I see an increase in those wanting help in reducing weight and body fat and to regain their vitality and energy to enjoy the Summer months with confidence. My Zest4Life...
Easter Survival Guide
How can you ‘survive’ Easter without piling on the pounds and feeling rung out and sluggish due to chocolate binging? Chocolate is available all year around so the trouble here is having an increase...
Let it shine!
Hello to all! Feels like an age since writing my blog and just been laughing with a colleague of mine on how disorganized I can be. In my defence, it’s not for want of trying and as they say, God...